Integrated float and thermostatic steam trap
This invention pertains to a float and thermostatic steam trap with an improved mechanism less subject to failure than previous designs.Water Control valves In this design the venting and trapping functions are served by the same valve and a thermostatic actuator acts on the float or float linkage when temperature is below a predetermined value. In normal operation the float controls the discharge of condensate and the thermostatic actuator is out of contact with the float assembly and therefore is free to move. When the temperature within the trap housing drops below the predetermined value, the thermostatic actuator engages the float assembly,Forged Steel Valves forces the valve opening and raises the float above the condensate level. This allows the removal of condensate and of the noncondensible gasses from the trap. This design eliminates the stressing of the thermostatic actuator by static or vibration loads at high temperatures and thereby reduces the fatigue failure of the actuator. At the same time, BUTTERFLY VALVESas the float is raised out of the water, the water level is lowered or completely drained, thereby reducing corrosion exposure during shutdown. In the embodiments wherein the housing is completely drained by the thermostatic actuator frost protection is provided and the accumulation of solids within the housing is prevented by flushing action.